Monday, March 31, 2014

Tom Green

 We miss you brother.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Another Kind of Love Story

I slipped away to catch Loudon Wainwright at the last Hardly Strictly and heard him perform this spoken word piece written by his father. It is long but so worth listening to. Made me weep, of course.

This reminds me powerfully of Jake, my bodhisattva, whom I miss more than I can say.  Aging is a long series of goodbyes.  The trick is to keep saying hello.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tales from the New Orleans Picayune - June 21, 1913

June 21, 1913

I just completed a one month, 200 article subscription to the New Orleans Picayune archives.  Damn, there's some great stuff in there.  I wish I had nothing but time - well, time plus the necessary inspiration and discipline to do the writing.  As it is, I squeeze in an hour here or there. Slow but steady.

I'm working on a piece about Storyville.  "White Slavery" has made an appearance, as has Emma Goldman, strangely enough.  I've followed the research down some strange rabbit holes. Now I have to WRITE.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014