Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Food Crimes from Dog Boy

The work party approaches. My buddy Matt (aka the Swildo, short for Swildebeast) is coming up for that weekend and we plan to commit some food crimes. Matt is bringing up his Weber so we'll have two. I plan to have one going for meat and one for roots, vegetables and other foods not to touch animal fats. Here's what we have goin' on.

Friday Night:

The Swildo and I are doin' Chicken and Links. At this point, we are not planning for a big crowd. I'll have some tater salad. Don't know the vegetable. If you show up there will be plenty of grill space available. Bring something to BBQ and whatever your heart desires.

Saturday Night:

For the work party the Swido and I are doin' Navajo Tacos ( fry bread), a pot of beans and a Southwestern Cole Slaw. As protein for the tacos the Swildo and I will do some pulled pork. For Sequoia I think I'll try pulling some soybeans too. Matthew is bringing up his big Dutch oven so there will be dessert. Just what particular flavor the dessert ends up being is up in the air at the moment. All I know it that there will be a lot of it as the Swildo's Dutch Oven holds 14 quarts. If you want to bring something, taco trimmings are good: Salsa, cheese, whatever. If you are gonna work, I got dinner.

Just talked to Steph and Sequoia. They have no idea how many folks will show up so the Swildo and I will plan for twenty. That means if forty show up, ain't no one goin' hungry.

More later once I've had a chance to play with the new oven. Sequoia has been working hard on it already. I think it will work out good.



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