Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Message from the Chef

Howdy Campers,

The message I'm replying to is quite good. I don't have much to add but I do have a couple things to throw in the pot. Since I am now "head chef" I guess I got the right...

I am pullin' my big bread bowl out of retirement and will fill it at least once with dough for pizza. Maybe twice. If anyone else wants to contribute dough that's fine by me. We can have a taste off...

I will also have red sauce. If you want another colored sauce on your pizza, bring it.

A note here: the reconstructed oven holds heat well. I'm envisioning midnight snacks of pizza bread. If that sounds good bring a loaf or two and we'll see what's left over at midnight to go on top.

One beautiful thing about the wood-fired oven you all are about to be introduced to is that my Webber gets filled with coals when the oven gets emptied of it's fire. The rest of the fire goes into the new fire pit. This means BBQ technology will be available when we are firing the oven. For other times, I'll bring some charcoal. So bring on the flesh if you want. Between my Webber and the new firepit, we got plenty of grill space to burn anything short of the whole hog.

On Saturday I'll fill my bean pot full of veggie beans and will talk to Steph about a dutch oven full of Spanish rice to round out some of the meal. I'll also make a pan of enchiladas - no meat so I make sure Sequoia gets full. Steph is makin' up a pan as is Louise Mccullom to prime the feedin' machine. I'll also have red and green sauce and extra corn tortillas so we can keep 'em coming if you bring some fillings.

A note here: we are not limited to enchiladas. Tacos and tostadas are also possible. Enchiladas first though...

And finally, what Steph didn't mention 'cause she didn't know... Ifin I don't get too trashed Saturday night there will be sticky buns for breakfast on Sunday morning. If I get too screwed up, we'll have 'em for brunch or lunch. They will show up sometime though. I promise.



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