Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Music Club Rules

This work in progress needs your input. Please email additions and corrections to

Music Club Rules

1) Singer picks the key, but pickers reserve the right to modulate a half step. (In other words, Eflat my ass.)
2) Each musician gets one veto per night, except Joe. He gets two, coz he’s the bass player.
3) No shakers. I don’t know why; that’s just the way it is.
4) Regarding the introduction of new songs: you bring it, you drive it.
5) In case of a musical train wreck, don't stop! Keep playing till that puppy jumps the tracks.
6) All musical ideas will be considered, if only to demonstrate how ludicrous they are (a didgiridoo with a string band? It seemed like a good idea at the time...)


zoeshow said...

Absolutely no "Lithia Park" drum circle dreadlocks or their dogs are allowed to participate in any fashion. No drumming on their microbrew filled table either!

zoeshow said...

OH! No drunken hussies allowed any attempts at singing,standing within 2 feet of band,and I'll beat the snot out of any small town groupie attempts!!(especially on Stephany)