I’m beginning to think that perhaps I have a superhero complex; that, or I crave attention in ways that aren’t entirely healthy.
I got a call from my pal Chris Sackett, chairman of the Theatre Department at Southern Oregon University. His director for the winter term production of Nilo Cruz’s play Anna in the Tropics had dropped out and rehearsals were scheduled to start in less than a week. Would I be interested in stepping in?
Understand, I read the play once 5 years ago, and it deals with a culture and community about which I know nothing. Understand that the production is already cast, the set and costume designs are complete and already being built.
On top of all that, I’m segueing from my job in the publications department to a job as a grant writer at OSF, and January is the busiest month in both worlds. For the next two weeks, I’ll be working two full-time jobs while being paid for one half-time job. Plus, the band is playing our biggest gig ever in January and we desperately need to rehearse. Plus I’m house/dog sitting in town, which is lovely, but requires me to invest a fair amount of love, attention and time in a cranky old dog.
A sane person would look at all this and decide that her life was full and complete. A sane person wouldn’t even consider taking on another project.
Clearly, I’m insane; I signed on to direct the play. Sweet suffering Georgia Brown, why do I DO this to myself? I think it’s a bad case of the Mighty Mouse complex; here I come to save the day. But, who is going to save me from myself?
1 comment:
That is super exciting! Congrats, I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job! Can't wait to read the updates!
Nikki the niece out in Cali
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