Sorry I’ve taken so long to follow up on the photos of the camp out. btw - for some reason, the blog is hiding some of the posted photos. I can't figure out why, but if you click on the title "Colestin Camp Out 2", it will reveal additional snaps.
June was insanely busy, but July is less frenetic. Time to spread some gossip.
With Ezra & Manda’s wedding and subsequent honeymoon rapidly approaching and Joe’s trip to Alaska on the horizon, Hamfist is taking a breather in July. We will play a short set at the wedding, but we don’t have another gig scheduled until mid-August. It’s a good thing; we need time to recharge our batteries. I’ll be using the hiatus to dig through the American song books for tunes that lend themselves to a thorough shit kicking. We shift back into high gear in September.
The Bathtub Gin Serenaders is going through changes of its own. Kerissa, the resident vixen and shit-hot musician, will play one more BTGS show in July before heading off to Portland to start a PhD program (that’s right boys, she’s beautiful AND smart. Unfortunately for you, she’s also taken. Eat your hearts out.) We will audition new singers this weekend. I’ve auditioned actors before, but never singers, so it should be interesting. Bryan the uke player has also decided to call it quits. Despite all the changes, the band is really coming together sonically. The fiddler and the reeds player are totally amazing; they complete outclass me. I’m learning so much just listening to them. I completely support the leader’s vision and I love the material, so I’m going to hang with this project as long as it’s viable.
Since I’m clearly a glutton for punishment, I signed up for one more year of the One Night Band, a motley assemblage of OSF company members who get together for a couple of Green Show performances. I’ll be playing mandolin and singing on the Led Zeppelin song The Ballad of Evermore. Fun fact: that’s Sandy Denny singing the high part on the original. She's one of my musical heroines and the only woman to ever record with Zepellin. She rocks my world.
My brother Greg and I have rented an apartment in the Haight for the weekend of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park. I’m so looking forward to hanging out in the city and being able to walk to the venue. If you find yourself in the city during the first weekend in October, drop in for coffee or beer.
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