I've been in Arkansas for the last couple of days, the land of the ubiquitous Jesus billboard and deep fried food (not that I'm implying a connection.) I attended my mom's family's reunion and finally interred my dad's ashes at her gravesite. It's a long, long story and I'll tell you all about it sometime, but tonight I'm just damn glad to be home.
Course, the first thing I did when I got home was take a walk on the land. So grounding, so calming, my mountain home. If I ever complain about living here again, smack me upside the head. The landscape is insanely green and beautiful right now. That drenching rain sent all of the wild and cultivated flowers into full bloom and brought the fields back to life. It's the prettiest June we've had in many a year. What a blessing.
As we walked, we surveyed our domain and made a preliminary work list for the party:
Turn on the water to the meadow and fix the leaks in the line
Weed Whack
Put a 2nd coat of paint on the oven
Hang tarps
Work on the swimming hole
The swimming hole is a big job and may not get finished in time. Them younguns are impervious to cold, maybe they can help bucket sand onto the beach. Sequoia wants to finish the bridge to the swimming hole. It is still just two logs and a rope. It needs a plank top, but he may not get to it before the party. We will try to have the lumber, hardware and tools standing by in case anyone feels ambitious.
Sequoia wants to set up the slip 'n slide, God help us. He even bought a new kiddie pool. I guess I'm officially overruled. I made him promise not to make it as long as in years past.
Loving life, campers. Loving life.
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