Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thunder & Lightning

Another day, another screaming thunderstorm campers, thunder, lightning and an apocalyptic downpour. The weather guessers are calling for perfect weather next weekend, mid 80s and sunny. If they are right (for once) it will be perfect camping weather, green, lush, maybe a little mud, but no dust. Perfect.

Lowell, Tom & Sequoia spent the day in the meadow repairing the water line and hanging tarps. Got a start on weed whacking and raking the pine needles. They made impressive progress.

Hamfist had a rough show at the Green Show on Thursday, but we rocked the house at Stillwater last night. There's an interview with EZ, Jesse & Jimmy and some Green Show footage at:

Yes, my hair is huge. You know what they say: the taller the hair, the closer to God.

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