Wouldn't it be cool if I could provide every Colestine chef with a huge head dress like the one Big Chief Boudreaux wears? Wouldn't that look FANTASTIC?
Colestine Campout's coming! Preliminary menu negotiations between the Big Chiefs of the Kitchen have begun. The adobe oven needs repair so I'm afraid pizza's out this year. Friday night's menu is still under discussion, but Big Chief Joe has some ideas. On Saturday, Big Chief Dogboy will reprise his Siskiyou Tacos with the pulled pork, coleslaw and that unbelievable fry bread. It's a labor-intensive task that requires all hands on deck but, oh my god, the pay off is so worth it. Lowell will barbecue a big hunk of pork on his Weber kettle. We could use a back up grill and meat donations. If you can provide either, please coordinate with me so that we don't have too much!
Course maintenance is on the schedule, although there's not much to do. We didn't get any huge snow dumps this year, so there isn't much downed wood on the ridge. Beach maintenance has to wait for warmer weather. The creek ran high this year and did some serious damage. I see ass-deep cold water and buckets of sand in my future.
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