I see you mamas and aunties out there, hiding your candles under bushels. Your light is hidden but, I promise you, it has not gone out. I see you stepping into the background so as to make more room in the spotlight for your child. We mamas take such infinite joy in the light that shines from our children's faces, we hide our own light so that they might shine brighter. It was ever thus and is as it should be; none of us would have it any other way. But, speaking as somone who has made it to the other side of full-time motherhood, I bear witness to this truth: your light may be hidden, but it has not gone out. It doesn't matter how deep its buried or how long it has been covered. If you are lucky and canny and don't give up, the children grow up, move out, move on and leave a space. In that space, there's room to breathe and, where there's breath, there's flame. In that space, your candle is still burning.
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