Friday, July 10, 2015

The Quality of Mercy

A gentle rain droppeth from heaven today.  It surely does feel like mercy as Shakespeare suggested. It is sweet relief from the 105 degree heat of last week.

I sat in the musicians gallery on the Elizabethan Stage last night and looked out at the audience as scattered raindrops glittered in the lights. I'll be sitting in with the band on a very silly musical next week, a bucket list experience if there ever was one. The musical is silly but the music is not. It will tax my abilities. Frankly, I'm nervous but nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I observed last night and will spend the week practicing. I can do this. 

I got terribly lost leaving the gallery and wandered in the dark backstage, stumbling into places where I had no business being; mortifying.

I've let my pathological fear of embarrassment stop me before.  Not this time.  A sweet, cool breeze is wafting in the window. Life is good. Never fear, I've got this.

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