Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Snow

It's snowing hard and sticking the Colestin today, two days before the Vernal Equinox. Bodes well for the summer, but not for spring. March floods bring April muds. Sequoia's out tromping around taking photos; I'll try to post some later today. I may get inspired this afternoon , but right now I'm ensconced in my warm house with two books and the latest New Yorker. I ain't going nowhere.

Here's food for thought: "Old age takes everyone by surprise and no one really ever comes to terms with it. G. Stanley Hall thought that this was because old age is the only stage of life we never grow out of and can never look back on, not on this earth anyway. When you don't know where you're going, what you should do, it's time to think about where you came from...

"Darkness used always to follow day, but it doesn't any more; now we turn on lights, and day never ends. Fortune used to be a wheel that turned and turned again; now it's a number in a ledger, a score. During the past few centuries, life, along with a lot of other things, stopped being a circle and became a line... and if life is a line, it can be longer. When that happened, we forgot how to die."

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