Saturday, April 11, 2009

Food Crimes

Hide the children! Kennel the Dogs! Cover you eyes! Wild Hogs will be coming !!!... to the Colestin Q'ster Dogboy in June!

For those of you who need a translation, Jim Lovill is bringing some insane quantity of Hog Island Oysters to the Colestin Camp Out. Dog Boy will be slaving over a hot barbecue for hours...

I'm thinking of making a big pot of baked beans. Lowell is drooling over Pork Butt. We need vegetables, lots of 'em. Maybe Sequoia will bake a loaf of bread. I'm hoping the oven will be operational, but no guarantees. If the fire danger is extreme we will have to keep our fires small and not start them till dark, which could put a damper on baking.

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