Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last Post Before This Weekend's Gathering

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: there are four seasons in the Colestin, Mud, Dust, Mud and Snow. We were well into dust season until it rained like a heifer pissing on a flat rock. Consequently, we have regressed back into mud season.

Here’s what I know: a) it ain’t raining now; b) the weather guesser is still calling for partly cloudy skies and temps in the mid-70s; c) I can’t control the weather. As an unrepentant control junkie I’m loath to accept C, but whaddaya gonna do? At least we can have BIG fires.

Bring your rain gear and shoes that can get muddy. If worse comes to worse, we can repair to my house and sleep on the floor!

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